

Canada has been ranked as one of the best countries in the world to live in. Canada sees value in recruiting immigrant and welcomes them through various programs and streams. It is a great country to work, do business and live. Depending on if you would like to move here as a skilled worker, an international graduate, business immigrant or by being sponsored by a spouse or family member, we can help you achieve this dream.[vc_empty_space height=”20px”]
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To move to Canada and become a Permanent Resident of Canada, you must apply for one of the diverse streams directed by Immigration Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

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Express Entry

This is a software management system that provides a quicker way for skilled foreign workers to move, settle and work in Canada. There are 3 streams under Express Entry that allows skilled workers to apply for permanent residence. This includes
  • Federal Skilled Worker
  • Federal Skilled Trades
  • Canadian Experience Class

For more information about each stream above, please contact us.

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Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP’s)

All Canadian provinces and territories except Quebec offer nomination programs that help fill labour shortage. They play a part in supporting Canada’s economic goals by selecting economic immigrants intending to settle in their province.In some cases, individuals who might not qualify under the federal skilled worker program might qualify for PNP.

Application for PNP’s is in two stages,

  1. Apply to the province or territory where you intend to live. Your application will be assessed based on the immigration needs of the province and the intention to work and settle in the province/territory. If successful at this stage, a nominee certificate will be issued to you. This enables you to apply to IRCC
  2. After which, you can apply to IRCC under the PNP program. The discretion is solely on IRCC to decide whether you are admissible to Canada or not. Also at this stage, a medical exam and police clearance will be required.
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Family Sponsorship

If you have a spouse, or child, grandchild or other relative who are Permanent Residents or Citizens of Canada, they might be able to sponsor you to migrate to Canada. Sponsor must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent resident who is over 18 years old and live in Canada except exempt from meeting the requirement.

For those who would like to sponsor their parent or/and grandparent, the sponsor needs to make sure they meet the financial income requirement for their family size.