

Canada has opportunities for skilled foreign workers and professionals to come to Canada to work temporarily or permanently. Mainly, there are two categories of foreign workers. Those who are in need of a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and those who are exempt from needing an LMIA.

If a Labor Market Impact Assessment is needed, then the foreign worker falls under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. If you are LMIA exempt, then you are under the International Mobility Program (IMP). In whichever case, a work permit is needed for foreign nationals to come to Canada to work temporarily.

A Work Permit is a document issued by IRCC that allows an individual to work legally

The steps below need to be followed if you want to work temporarily in Canada:

Step 1: If required, the employer applies for an LMIA

An LMIA is a document that permits the employer to hire a foreign worker to work in Canada. To get a positive LMIA, the employer will need to prove that hiring a foreign worker will cause positive or neutral effect the labour force in Canada.

Click here to view cases where an LMIA may not be required

Step 2: Your Employer provides a valid job offer

After successfully securing a positive LMIA, your employer needs to provide you with a valid job offer. It must be an offer made by one employer, continuous, paid employment, full time (minimum 30 hours a week) and

This job offer letter must include the following information

  • Job title and job duties
  • Salary and any deductions from your salary
  • Conditions of your employment e.g. work hours
  • Requirements of the job position (if applicable) i.e. professional credentials, education, skills, licenses etc.
  • Contact information of employer i.e. name, address and telephone number

Step 3: Apply for a Work Permit

Depending on your nationality, immigration status etc., you can apply for a work permit outside Canada, at a Canadian Border or from within Canada.

CIS provide expert service that can help you through the whole process

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)- International Students

International students who have recently graduated from a Canadian DLI Institution and program may be eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit if all requirements are met. the PGWP can be valid for up to three years depending on certain factors.

CIS can assess your profile to see if you meet the requirement and guide you through the process.